Bagmati Province’s representatives stream the croaks further ahead

Bagmati Province representatives of Croaking Monsoon 2020 have successfully conducted first and new district oriented interaction program targeted to Makwanpur, Dhading and Nuwakot districts on 18th September, 2020 via Zoom platform. The main objectives of the program were to spread district wise awareness about the campaign of Croaking Monsoon 2020 focusing schools, colleges, university level colleges, local clubs, governmental bodies etc. This is the first time the program has been extended to district level with the aim to study the distribution and habitat of frogs of Nepal. With over 40 participants from various backgrounds, the program highlighted the status and importance of frogs and importance/origin of Croaking Monsoon 2020 Program. The program also put light on use of citizen science approach and Kobo Collect App for the program.  The organizers of the program congratulate and thank the province representative, all the district representatives and participants for successful completion of the independent interaction.