October 15, 2022 Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Paschim Kusaha Village of Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Sunsari District, Nepal
August 1, 2022 Richness and Impact of Invasive Alien Species Plant in Trees of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, Central Nepal
February 25, 2022 Impact of thirteen run‑of‑river hydroelectric projects on land use land cover and ecosystem services in Nepal
August 31, 2021 Forest structure and anthropogenic disturbances regulate plant invasion in urban forests
December 8, 2020 Natural and anthropogenic correlates of habitat use by wild ungulates in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal
November 8, 2020 Human-Wildlife Conflict and its Implication for Conservation at Sundarpur, Udayapur, Eastern Nepal
September 8, 2020 Population structure and regeneration of Himalayan endemic Larix species in three high-altitude valleys in Nepal Himalaya