Croaking Monsoon 2021 Event: Environmental Communication

An event was organized online from the organizers of Croaking Monsoon 2021 as a part of the program on September 3 2021 focusing Environmental Communication. Understanding the importance of biological diversity, air , water and different issues of common interest, the program targeted outreach and incorporation of these issues into the daily lives of us all using environmental communication. The program was conveyed to old and new participants of Croaking Monsoon by Mr. Ramesh Bhushal providing the ‘knowhow of conveying science and environment to public’. Mr. Bhushal an environment journalist based in Kathmandu serves as the Nepal editor for the Third Pole and also manages Internews’ Earth Journalism Network’s activities in South Asia. Mr. Bhushal highlighted the importance of popular communication of science using news media to gain more outreach. He also provided information on how scientific journals only targeted a certain mass and how it failed to reach a large target group. The program with Mr. Bhusal’s insightful presentation emphasizing choice/clarity of  correct words to clearly communicate results in any scientific process was participated by over 50 participants.