Croaking Monsoon 2021 Officially Launched

Marking the world Environment Day 2021 ENPROSC alongside collaborators Companions for Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal (CARON), GoldenGate International College (GGIC) and Wildlife Conservation Nepal launched this year’s ‘Croaking Monsoon-2021’ Program. Overlooking the COVID-19 scenario this year’s program had to be launched digitally following structure set in 2020. The program marked  celebration of world environment day with past and new participants for Croaking Monsoon program. Although the submissions for the program have already been open for some time now, participants were formally oriented with the importance and techniques of the program.

More than 90 enthusiasts participated in the program where insights from the program’s collaborators, provincial representatives, district representatives and participants were shared. The program had a special featured talk from Mr. Biraj Shrestha (USAID Nepal) who was amongst program’s very first batch of volunteers along side discussions on the opportunities and limitations of use of citizen science for frogs on a vast scale. The collaborators urged participants to take the citizen science approach further to a localized scale with involvement of academically off the grid participation.

To bring out frog conservation enthusiasm amongst younger masses and locals from all sectors, croaking monsoon has developed different activities for school students. The program aims on building outreach towards farmers along side these young mass of students to spark the conservation efforts. The organizers also shared that the citizen science approach this year would be accompanied by target activities to portray the best results possible. As Croaking Monsoon launches officially this year, the organizers have expected wide scale participation from all stakes of the society.