First time Citizen Science Approach to Study of Frog
Kantipur daily covered the “CROAKING MONSOON – 2019: A citizen science approach to explore ponds and frogs of Kathmandu Valley” orientation program which was conducted on 8th and 9th of August 2019. The article by Govinda Pokharel highlighted the program held in the office premises of Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN) which was jointly organized by Environment Protection and Study Center (ENPROSC), Companions for Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal (CARON), GoldenGate International College and WCN. The two day program oriented 90 graduates from different academic institutions throughout the nation including Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University and Pokhara University. The program highlighted the threats to frogs, importance of study of frogs, taxonomy of frogs found in Kathmandu Valley, citizen science approach, use of smartphones for data collection and field ethics. Read more of the coverage in the link provided below.