Nepal Turtle Symposium (II)/ World Turtle Day 2021
Environment Protection and Study Center in collaboration with GoldenGate International College organized second national turtle symposium entitled “Nepal Turtle Symposium (II): Coalition for Turtles ~ Research, Education and Conservation”. The event was conducted marking World Turtle Day on 23rd May 2021. The symposium was completed with participation from governmental body, national, transnational organizations and speakers from Nepal, India and the United States of America. Amidst the ongoing pandemic, the program was successfully conducted using digital platform where more than 70 invited guests participated.
The session’s keynote speech (link below) was delevered by Dr Carig Stanford Chair- IUCN/SSC (TFTSG) where he provided insights on conservation priorities for turtles while tackling in the present era. The program included representation from all turtle conservation stakes of the society including Nepal government with presentation from Mr. Hari Prasad Pandey (Under Secretary – Government of Nepal: Minstry of Forests and Environment). Mr. Pandey discussed the issues on conservation Policies for Turtles in Nepal. Ankita Timilsina (Student – Tribhuvan University) shared her research on ‘Local’s perspectives on turtles around a Ramsar Site, Ghodaghodi Lake area, Kailali’. ENPROSC’s team member Asst. Professor Mr. Chandramani Aryal (Padmakanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University) shared preliminary results from ENPROSC’s ongoing research on Turtles of Nepal. Mr. Aryal shared results on ‘Youth Perceptions about Turtles in Nepal: Are we there yet (conservation)?’ where results collected from ground zero were presented.
Ms. Arunima Singh (Turtle Survival Alliance, India Program) shared her research and discussed on “Freshwater turtle diversity and conservation challenges along foothills of Himalayas (Indo-nepal border)”. Mr. Narayan Niraula
(Saptagandaki Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University) presented findings from their research in presentation entitled ‘Turtles in Display: Status of Turtles in MINI-ZOOS, Nepal’. The program included panel discussion with panelists Professor Prof Karan B Shah (Tribhuvan University) representing Academic sector, Mr. Govinda Pokhrel (Kantipur Online) representing Media sector, Mr. Hari Prasad Pandey (Under Secretary – Government of Nepal: Minstry of Forests and Environment) representing Government of Nepal, Mr. Subash Kharel (Widllife Conservation Nepal) and Mr. Santosh Bhattarai (The National Trust for Nature Conservation) representing Conservation Organizations. The panelists discussed on experience, challenges & way ahead for turtle conservation in Nepal.