Participate as a citizen scientist in the study of frogs


With signs of Indian monsoon pouring down on leaves in South East Asia, Environment Protection and Study Center’s (ENPROSC) signature program ‘Croaking Monsoon‘ has entered its fifth consecutive year. The program that was initially launched from local survey in Kathmandu has been expanded to national level and runs throughout Nepal. Following the global uncertainty posed due to COVID-19 and understanding the limitations to travel/ movements, Croaking Monson 2021 has been launched digitally this year as well.  We would like to invite frog enthusiasts from throughout Nepal to participate in the program by submitting original photographs of frogs and their habitats.  Please submit your photographs by scanning QR below or follow the given steps. ENPROSC requests all enthusiasts to share the citizen science movement in their communities following all safety measures and guidelines.

Please refer to the following steps to submit your original photographs using the kobo application or send us your queries through the given contact.